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Truck Drivers Strike called off

The All India Motor Transport Association (AIMTC) resolved to put an end to the countrywide truck drivers’ protests over the new hit-and-run rule during a meeting with Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla. The administration gave the transport body’s members the…

Karni Sena Chief Tragically Shot – Unraveling the Story Behind the Incident

Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi, the president of the Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, was shot and killed on Tuesday in Jaipur by unidentified gunmen. After shooting Gogamedi inside his home, the assailants left the scene. The entire event was captured on camera….

Wild Intruder in Delhi: Forest Department’s Heroic Rescue Mission for Stray Leopard at Sainik Farm”

After the leopard was seen at Sainik Farm, a well-known neighborhood in the nation’s capital, panic broke out among the populace. Additionally, residents in the vicinity have been made aware of this. Along with the Delhi Police, Forest Department, and…

Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023

“On Saturday at seven in the morning, voting for the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly elections of 2023 got underway. There is a discernible increase in the voting percentage after roughly 15% of votes were cast between 9 and 11 AM. The…